JavaScriptmas - 24 Days of Javascript Cheer


What is #JavaScriptmas? Why do I see this all over this dudes twitter account??

Well I'm so happy you asked!!

JavaScriptmas is an JavaScript challenge filled advent (which being of the Jewish faith I had to google) calendar. The fine folks of Scrimba put this together to not only strengthen the participants skills but also dish out some amazing prizes. Everyday of this challenge they give away a free year subscription and on the final day some lucky participate gets a $1000.

Scrimba encourages interaction and participation, with a very vibrate discord channel to make you feel apart of something bigger. Every instructor , engaging on their discord and social media just to cheer you on. Encouraging you to do outside the box things for a developer such as a blog.

I have always wanted to start a blog but never have. Their constant motivation towards putting yourself out there really connected. My goal for this blog is to become a far better developer, a mentor and (gasp) show the world a slice of my journey and the hard work that goes into our craft.

I'm glad Scrimba exists. I'm thrilled to be along for their ride. It's an amazing teaching platform. Joining Scrimba will challenge your javascript skills, allow you to join a great community and just become the best developer that you can be. Check my solutions out and reach out on my twitter just to say hi.

DayChallengeMy Solution
2Deposit ProfitSolution
3Chunky MonkeySolution
4Century from yearSolution
5Reverse a stringSolution
6Sort by lengthSolution
7Count vowel consonantSolution
8Rolling diceSolution
9Sum Odd Fibonacci NumbersSolution
10Adjacent Elements ProductSolution
11Avoid ObstaclesSolution
12Valid TimeSolution
13Extract Each KhtSolution
14Maximal Adjacent DifferenceSolution
15JavaScript CarouselSolution
16Insert DashesSolution
17Different symbols naiveSolution
18Array previous lessSolution
19Alphabet SubsequenceSolution
20Domain TypeSolution
21Sum of 2Solution
22Extract Matrix ColumnSolution
23Social Media InputSolution
24Test Your AgilitySolution

I'm just a person getting better at coding no affiliation to Scrimba but heed my words, give this wonderful platform a chance, you'll be grateful you did.

My Twitter -- @bleodejaneiro My Website --